It has truly been a long, long, long, long road. My husband and I are finally receiving the Rite of Conformation. I found myself moved to tears during all the Rites so far( especially when we went to meet the Bishop in Birmingham. The Cathedral is truly incredible.) and now all our hard work and faith is going to pay off. I am so very happy to be home after such a tumultuous journey. My husband and I have been through so much to get here. Judaisms, Paganism, Protestantism, you name it. All along, God's church was calling and we finally listened. "Come home my children, you are tired and it is late. Come home."
The first thing I said to my husband when I met him was..."You have the face of an Angel." At the time we were with other people, but two years later God delivered "My Angel" to me. We are happy and VERY Blessed. I give thanks every day. My point is that God takes care of the thankful and the faithful. Be that my brothers and sisters. Catholicism has saved me from the chaos and I will give all I have back. Lord give me strength. AMEN.